Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Poetry by David Ades

Seeing You, Briefly

In this city of rivers and bridges
always looping back on itself,
I no longer know
how to measure distance.

You flitted onto the screen,
hands on hips,
before fading off again.
I would bring you nearer,

whisper into your ear
if only to whisper into your ear.
So short, our passing lives,
too short for words

not to be spoken.
There is ice on the roads today
and night awaits.
Distance tugs at my sleeve.

- David Ades 2013

David Adès is an Australian poet currently living in Pittsburgh. His poems have appeared widely and are forthcoming in Australian and American literary publications including 5 AM, Bewildering Stories, Cordite Poetry Review, San Pedro River Review, Red River Review, Illya’s Honey, Rune Literary Magazine, Poetica, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, The Fourth River and Spiritus.

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