Monday, January 09, 2006

Calling all Poets

Come on guys, where are you? The blog is receiving its fair share of visitors, but nary a submission since last year. If you don't start sending me something soon, I'll start posting large segments of my new verse novel. I'm not kidding.......


  1. Anonymous9:56 am

    Sounds great. Perhaps Brentley or one of the many you sleep with can then 'review' it - has any one ever made the observation people are naturally gregarious and part of that involves joining a set where despite protestations they're not there for accolades or group hugs, the need for affirmation, support, of confirmation of 'wonderful work' is part and parcel of the process; all very subjective and meangingless in the tight circle of belonging. Try the more objective practice of allowing people from a distance to discern whether or not a piece has merit. Or is that too scary? Will the awful truth blind you lot? Meanwhile, we have Justin 'reviewing' Retort in Cordite and Brentley 'reviewing' Justin in Cordite. Perhaps the point is the reviews are not meant to be taken seriously. And pity those that do. C'mon Justin, show us your 'novel'.

  2. That's a lot of fire and brimstone for someone without a name. I don't quite get your point, though. Am I supposed to be a malignant networker, a slut, or a hermit in a cave? I've never met Brentley, let alone slept with him, but it will probably gall you to know he has published bits of all sorts of novels of mine, the verse novel being the latest.

  3. Anonymous4:26 pm

    How do we submit poetry to you?

    oh and cmon show us your verse novel!

  4. Anonymous7:11 pm

    okay ignore the first bit... geeeze i'm blind :/ sorry
