Monday, June 12, 2006

Call for Submissions

I seem to have to beg for poetry these days. I'm still waiting to hear from Pixi. Just click on the "email me" tag in the top right hand corner and submit anything up to five poems, a 1000 word comment or review in the body of the email. NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE. I have a very good turnover time, and that applies to most things I do. Probably why I haven't got a girlfriend...Anyway, be that as it may I see no reason for not submitting something. The worse you will get is silence, as I won't comment on subs unless I can see some way of working with the author to make them more suitable for posting under the Bluepepper. There are no payments and thus no guidelines.


  1. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Broome Hunger Haiku

    Taken to this taste
    Lovers in dunes and moments
    Drowned in full starlight

    Love finds us wanting
    Music, needing spectacle:
    We dance and we sway

    I come with you and
    You go within me and I
    Go slowly with you

    Sand and clatter crab
    Staccato night dusk moon arch
    Over sky waters

    Perfumed platters placed
    Or piled floating fires of fish
    Laughter, wine, kisses

    Adorned, we bring eyes
    Lit by stars, rock moonstricken
    Pindan shining black

    Here your smile tells me
    This one night, tides only now
    Renew our loving

    Surf folding sand creeks
    Rivers of deep silver skies
    Shimmer in your eyes

    Refresh warm wind, wash
    My soul, return to coast
    Let go, salt my face

    Beach creased at dusk draws
    Insect bird night cloud bat cries
    Through an owl's moon eyes

    Dusk into the night
    Bright you are from azure day
    A love magic question

    O wind, O India
    Star stream, moon glow, spirit reach
    Show me procession

    Drown in charcoal skies
    Fly over the turquoise sea
    Speak! Utter last things.

    Can joy and pleasure
    Pain and love be spoken here?
    O, how can they not?

    Moon and sun alloy
    Earth, humanity remains
    Sticks like sand crust

    Nightscape, sea pungent
    The air laughs with you while we
    Each chart our own course

    Satellite moon ship
    Main earth can dwarf the shudders:
    Galaxy ride through space

    Two aeons ago
    I spent here overnight
    As pterodactyl

    Drown that ant! Spill drinks!
    But don't catch the poison or
    Other peoples' fish

    Remember skin drums:
    The soul and bone and beater
    Stir breast energy

    Water spirits! Let
    This moment we share be sweet
    Flame-flesh, from the reef

    Some friends, some strangers
    Reach tidal meeting, sparkling
    Spinning on this coast

    Japanese pearlers
    Live here in Broome, excuse my
    Very bad haiku

    Come this night, we feast
    By day our thoughts are ripples
    In memory's tide

    (August 1993; revised April 2004

  2. Thanks Simon, but this isn't the way to submit poetry to this blog. Please follow the guidelines and your poetry could be up there under the bluepepper for all to see.
