Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Poetry by rob walker

a beginner’s guide to postmodernism

don’t say book poem or story

its all just text

don’t talk.

have a


you may still lecture

in the timehonored way

but call it a


in the end nothing matters anyway

everyone’s opinion is as good

as anyone else’s

the external world does not exist.

ignore it.

- rob walker 2006

rob walker is a South Australian poet who has poetry in a number of journals and websites in Australia and overseas. This poem will appear in his first full collection micromacro, to be launched Sept 30 in Adelaide.


  1. Anonymous6:19 pm

    I think this poem is triffic.

    from Rob Walker
    (no relation at all to rob walker.)

  2. Anonymous6:22 pm

    Thanks, Rob. It's always gratifyiing to get positive feedback from an astute reader.

  3. Anonymous6:24 pm

    I mean "gratifying", of course. This cheap copy of a Mac computer doesn't spell very well..
