Monday, January 23, 2012

New Poetry by William Wright Harris

Ode on an Egg

Jungian theory of
Universal Archetypes;
an egg symbolizing
fertility for a
small tribe in
Africa, for Sioux
Nation. Every culture
has a flood myth
and vampire lore-
dragons, serpents, worms.
The blonde hair of
Freya and Aphrodite-
The beards of Tyr
and Ares, pointing
towards war-
Symbolism of all
creation, frying in a
pan, on my stove.

- William Wright Harris 2012

 Ode on a Chicken Pot Pie

Reading Bukowski
is like
eating a Chicken Pot Pie.
American lamentations,
the sore muscles from
working fourteen hours a day
six days a week
the hot California sun
are the chicken.
The sauce is race track poems-
gambling in their
loneliness again.
Peas, carrots, and
other vegetables
spices are the
references to Tchaikovsky,
Pound, Van Gogh.
Those honest chinaski
poems the cooked flour and egg
baked into a crust

Word by word
page for page
bite by bite
on the end of a fork.

- William Wright Harris 2012

William's poetry has appeared in seven countries in such literary journals as The Cannon’s Mouth, Ascent Aspirations, and Write On!!! He is a student at the University of Tennessee- Knoxville, where I have been lucky enough to study poetry in workshop settings with such poets as Jesse Janeshek, Marilyn Kallet, Arthur Smith, and Marcel Brouwers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:19 am

    I needed insiration for my ode and you gave it to me! Thanks!
