Sunday, March 04, 2012

New Poetry by Kathryn Guelcher


There was something about
the way you pressed your thumb
on the top of his shoe to check
the size
the way you reached down
blood surfacing and resurfacing
under the nail until
your hand was my father’s.
I was both child and wife-
anticipating and admiring.
Aglow with the warmth of
the fit.

- Kathryn Guelcher 2012

In addition to being a mother of three, Kathryn has been teaching high school English in a suburb outside of Chicago for 12 years.  This is Kathryn’s inaugural publication.


  1. Hi Mrs. Guelcher,

    I liked your poem very much - I see it happening. I also show it to my friends who like families.

    1. Anonymous9:01 am

      Hi Kathryn my name is Carl and I found your book bag number is 219-898-1368
