Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New Poetry by JD DeHart


On the window to the left,
the neighbor closing in.  Large
vans, gas grills, overtaking
with suburban life.

To the right, it was a vacant
lot, now overrun with chickens,
rabbits, a teeming zoo of human
and animal life.

Then there are the fast-moving cars,
children dressed as superheroes,
frequent deliveries, all of which
brings to mind:

What used to be life in the country.
The slow rumble of gravel once
or twice a day signaled a passerby.
Enough silence to dwell on.

- JD DeHart 2018

JD DeHart is a writer and teacher. He blogs about books and authors at readingandlitresources.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this very clear image of then and now, uncluttered juxtaposition of present and past features of place.
