Thursday, December 15, 2022

New Poetry by Greg Jensen

Loneliness is a Killer

In the small room you rent 
several floors above the city
you put two words together 

to make conversation.
One word follows
the sound of the other

but just sits there in the room
not explaining like a father
who comes home and stares

deep into the center
of the television.
You put yourself together

and have a day,
instant coffee
and a tinful of tobacco

for company.
Your heart feels
like a hammer 

swinging low
after a long day 
nailing two words

to keep four walls
from falling down.
When it stabs

you take a small tablet 
of nitroglycerine
and swallow another five minutes

of watching the clock.
You hear footsteps
in the hallway,

another door
closing on another
person who rents,

like you, loneliness
for next to nothing.
The cost of living

in this city is high.
You pay to keep 
yourself locked up 

after years 
being locked out.

- © Greg Jensen 2022

Greg Jensen has worked with unhoused adults living with mental illnesses and addiction problems for over 20 years. His work has appeared in 'december,' 'Bodega,' 'Crab Creek Review,' 'Fugue,' 'Rabid Oak,' and 'Porridge Magazine.' Greg holds an MFA in Poetry from Pacific University.

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