Tuesday, June 06, 2023

New Poetry by Hazel J. Hall


The Shadow Cast By Gentleness

In the patter of city street puddles,
I see the truth about chaos. 
In the center of everything, 
there is a light. A shining light.
I see the truth: that a gentleness is also 
a longing, for then I glimpse a girl at a desk. 
I look into her while all at once looking
into myself—I can only hope
at night she still dreams,
and in the nightmares, the monster
catches her before she is forced
to run on empty, for a mercy
is also a gentleness. And the wildfire
is warmer than all the heat
a heart could ever carry.
I look into the girl at the desk,
hoping she'll hold onto what energy 
the universe would rather keep,
for a mercy is also a longing,
a jealousy. Could things have been 
different? Could the gentleness have
stayed, never fleeing in the face of the monster

- © Hazel J. Hall 2023

Hazel J. Hall is a writer and poet powered by caffeine and insulin. Right now, she is pursuing an English degree while working on her first novel. More of Hazel's work can be found in Bending Genres, Vocivia Magazine, and CLOVES Literary, with other pieces forthcoming or visible at her site, hazeljhall.com.

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