Monday, January 23, 2023

New Poetry by Nina Rubinstein Alonso

Burns Beer and Wine           

They owned Burns Beer and Wine in Inman Square
had an old hippie guy living in the basement
forget his name who took care of plants and

said he preferred them to people 
on the outside wall was a tall mural with the dark
outline of an Arabic notable wearing a fez

like an upside down flower pot signaling
nothing specific while suggesting an alien type 
who seems friendly but you’d best stay alert

there were other buddies whose names 
I’ve blanked on and even that mural faded
later painted over to blandness but

in those days the guys were dealing
pot in the back room with quiet concern
about quality trying to be careful who to

trust next time since that suitcase disappeared 
at the airport no one’s sure what happened
but somehow vanished and was never found.

- ©  Nina Rubinstein Alonso 2023

Nina Rubinstein Alonso’s work appeared in The New Yorker, Wilderness House Literary Review, Sumac, New Boston Review, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, etc. Her book This Body was published by David Godine Press, her chapbook Riot Wake by Cervena Barva Press, and her story collection Distractions En Route is upcoming from Ibbetson Street.

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