Monday, August 01, 2022

New Poetry by Kitty Jospé

Poem to my Son, after reading Rilke "Do you still remember: Falling Stars"

"every gaze upward became
wedded to the swift hazard of their play" - Rainer Maria Rilke

I hope you will remember the fireflies
how like Rilke's shooting stars
they flashed in the night,
like gifts of starlight tumbling
in the pine trees

and I hope they will remind you how
deep the bond between a parent and child
no matter the hurdles
of wishes held
                             flashing desire
in our hearts so strong, so immeasurably potent
and indestructible,  

that no matter inevitable
disintegration, there is this love,
this fury of desire
to understand
each other,
so we can confirm
our bond is not just hazard

we know we just can't do it
alone in this life.

- © Kitty Jospé 2022

Kitty Jospé is a retired French teacher, active docent, received her MFA in poetry (2009 Pacific University, OR).  Since 2008, she has been leading workshops on art and word, and moderates weekly sessions to help people to be more attentive and appreciative readers of good poems. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful--and great imagery at the outset!