Monday, July 04, 2022

New Poetry by Jeffrey Dreiblatt

January 1, 2019
- after Jericho Brown

Life awkwardly packed in a wheeled suitcase.
Unwritten letters wait for a new year.

Written, yet unread letters for the new year.
Waking from fever turns water to a gift.

Bickering angels bring water as their gift.
Lovers’ kisses trapped beneath foreign stamps.

Devotion arrives sealed beneath a stamp.
Fortune interrupts when tradition dances.

Fortune and I dance outside of tradition.
To reach India takes days and 58 years.

A voice so soft, I wear him all of my years.
New year begins by the river Kaveri.

Ananth, returned, to the river Kaveri.
A life awkwardly packed in a wheeled suitcase.

- © Jeffrey Dreiblatt 2022

Jeffrey Dreiblatt is a poety, visual artist and volunteer firefighter. His work has appeared in The Dillydoun Review, Bindweed and forthcoming in Cathexis Northwest Press. He lives in Copake and Brooklyn, New York, USA.

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