Churches of the developed world
(a partly found poem)
to light a candle
drop any coin into the slot
(more coins may be required
for longer prayers)
on medical advice
communion is to be made by
receiving the bread only
(salivation is to be kept
to a minimum)
not in use
the alms box owing to recent
forced removal of padlocks
(bag checks now operate
in this church)
under electronic surveillance
(and you and you and you ...)
-Jane Williams 2007
Begging the question
who worries over this woman
fingering you are my sunshine
on the piano accordian
squat as an invalid's breakfast tray
above her outsized lap
tack suited against the swank
of the common wealth bank
when she reaches the end
she knows to start over
hour after hour
this music by numbers
this empty chocolate box
open for business
open for business
its heart shaped lid
inviting payment for services
and begging the question
- Jane Williams 2007