Wednesday, November 11, 2020

New Poetry by Kathleen E. Krause


a scene for under-love
that begins in riot
ends in the petal 
of the iris 
collide with mine
fast in width
that lasts in the blue
of orange crisp mornings
where matter grows
to a sizzle 
where we eat the other 
like newborns

- © Kathleen E. Krause 2020

Kathleen E. Krause was winner of Phoebe’s Greg Grummer Poetry Contest, chosen by Brenda Hillman. Her work has appeared in Agni, canwehaveourballback?, Danse Macabre, Denver Quarterly, The Four Way Reader #2, LIT, Lungfull!, Pennsylvania English, Provincetown Arts Magazine, Really System, Salonika, S/tick, and Terra Incognita. Her chapbook, Broth, was published by Linear Arts. She graduated from the New School with an MFA in 1999, and currently lives in Brooklyn.

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